Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Time With Dad

Today Jack went to work with his Dad.  He has not been willingly doing his chores or schoolwork, so on Tuesday morning, before he left for work, Darin said, "If you don't get your chores done before lunch, you're gonna have to come to work with me tomorrow."  That's right.  I mentioned this to Darin as a possible alternative to everything else that hasn't been working.  I like calling in the Big Guns, man.  Dad has an influence that I just can't match.

My guess is that is exactly what Jack wanted and NEEDED.  As soon as Darin walked out the door, Jack didn't do one more chore.  He played until lunchtime (I'm not gonna beg him to do his chores....he's old enough to know what to do without me sitting on him).  After lunch was over, I sat him down and he did schoolwork until 6:30ish, when Darin came home. 

So I made a nice, long list of things to do for Jack to take with him.  He sat and did schoolwork in Darin's office all day.  Darin says that it didn't seem to offend Jack at all.  He did everything on the list without complaint and was so good.  I honestly think that Jack just needed the extra time with his Dad, even if it was just sitting in the same room with him all day, doing schoolwork while Darin worked.  We do take the time to spend time alone with each of the kids, but I'm sure it's probably never enough.  :-)  I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow....if this day has helped him to settle down.  That would be nice.  ;-)

In other news, look what else we're tackling these days......FUN!  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Ah tough love and potty training! Good job on both..


    We have the same 'town' carpet!
