Monday, August 11, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

Things are still in the settling down mode around here.  Darin had to work late into the night Monday and Tuesday, but I believe that is officially over!  What a summer this has been.  Wednesday night we had our date night - shoulda been here.  We don't actually go anywhere on our date nights because we can't afford a sitter for 5 kids, so we hang out here at home.  Last Wednesday Darin brought home a movie for us to watch together and I was so festive - I fell asleep!  What a great date.  ;-) I didn't get in as much exercise as I wanted to last week.  We also went to birthday celebrations Saturday and Sunday nights.  At this point, I'm figuring something is better than nothing, so I'm not gonna get bitter.  ;-)  Today I have begun a 40 day sugar fast.  Last time I did this I was in college.  I was trying to lose weight that I didn't really need to lose.  Those were the days, my friends. 

I look forward to touching base with you guys this week!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave a comment so I'll know you were here.  :-)


  1. Hi,

    Another week and no results. My hubby's been sick with a cold, my arthritis has FLARED and I stubbed my toe the other day..Ugh.. I am hoping that by tomorrow, I'll be in better shape (pardon the pun), to get back at it. I didn't gain anything last week so that is a plus.


    Ps. I am selling some old diet books on my diet blog. Maybe one of your readers would be interested. the link can be reached through my main blog. or at

  2. Hello,

    I'm not apart of the challenge (need to be). I've done The Lord's Table at settingcaptivesfree. It's been such a blessing. I've stray a bit, but I'm thankful for the lessons learn because I can always go back to the things that the Lord taught me. So, I'm back to cutting my eating at a certain time and drinking plenty of water.

    Feast on the Lord, my Sisters.


  3. I am originally from WA, not far from Seattle. Moving down here with it's lack of green, trees, lawns was an adjustment! Course in an area where it can reach (and does) 126, not much will grow. We are thinking of where to move in a few years. I have a friend from WA, now living in Kyle, Texas. We are thinking of somewhere in that area now.


  4. I am originally from WA, not far from Seattle. Moving down here with it's lack of green, trees, lawns was adjustment! Course in an area where it can reach (and does) 126, not much will grow. We are thinking of were to move in a few years. I have a friend from WA, now living in Kyle, Texas. We are thinking of somewhere in that area now.


  5. So, tell me about this sugar fast.... Still working on The Lord's Table. :-)
