Thursday, June 4, 2009

Appley Goodness

The first trimester has followed me into the second trimester and I'm struggling with food. Nothing seems good to me.  But I have settled on an afternoon snack that I can stomach.  An apple with peanut butter and chocolate chips.  MERCY!  It's good.  :-)  Chase it down with a glass of freezing cold milk, and I'm in Heaven!  Now if I could just work out breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You can see Jack giving rabbit ears to the peanut butter.  That boy can't let a picture go by without doing something silly in it.  Kinda like his Mom, I guess.  ;-)


  1. diamondsintheroughJune 4, 2009 at 6:28 PM

    Becca, I did NOT need another suggestion for ways to eat chocolate. That looks way good. Lucky for me, we don't have any chocolate chips. (I ate the entire bag singlehandedly.)

    Thanks for the tips on 8th grade. My oldest is going into 10th, and I am finding, too, that she has no clue how to study!

    The snake. I'm glad you recognized it. My mother thought it was a bed spring, lol. Actually that wasn't a bad guess. We have those around here, too. :o)


  2. Great looking snack...and healthy too. :-) I hope your appetite returns soon.
