Thursday, June 18, 2009

Baby Machine

An acquaintance told me that I am a "Baby Machine."  She said, "You know what I mean." 

Well, I sorta know what she means, but I just can't go all the way with her line of thinking because the LAST thing I feel like these days is a Baby Machine.  I am exhausted and queasy even now, into the Second Trimester.  I'm struggling! 

I'll bet I'm not the only Mom of a large family who struggles during pregnancy.  There's this strange perception of Mom's of large families out there.  We are Baby Machines - pregnancy is easy - and we can really "crank 'em out!" 

First to the "cranking them out" believers.  Labor still hurts, no matter how many children we already have.  Well.  I do have to put a disclaimer in here.  My last labor was literally pain-free.  You can go HERE to read about it.  I mean, it was every woman's dream!  At least it was my dream delivery.  You see, I showed up to be induced, was already dilated to a 4, so went ahead and asked for an epidural right way and got it. 

Ooooo - that leads to another common misperception of Mom's with large families.  We do not all give birth at home, in our bathtubs.  It sounds really groovy and all, but that route is just not for me. 

Back to the Baby Machine/pregnancy is easy for you thing....pregnancy is a marathon for anyone.  I have had great pregnancies.  I might have even felt like a Baby Machine every now and then.  But I have also had difficult pregnancies.  Just like every child is different, so is every pregnancy. 

What it boils down to is that I don't choose to continue to have children because it's easy for me.  I do it because children are a blessing from the Lord.  It's worth it to go through anything that comes up during a pregnancy, knowing that no matter what, my husband and I are being blessed by God with a new life to care for.  Children are not a nuisance, or a drain on my "me-time."  They are interesting, funny, insightful, challenging, they grow my character as I strive to be a good parent, and most of all, a BLESSING from God.  Our culture believes otherwise, but I'm not buyin' it.

P.S. I found that really nice picture frame HERE.


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog ~ your entries are touching. I hope that today is a great day for you! I pray for strength and energy. You said it exactly right * every pregnancy is different just like every child! Warmly, EMichelle

  2. I'm glad you're not buyin' it. I don't either! My children are immeasureable blessings. I'm so happy to have found your blog through Facebook. Looking forward to renewing our acquaintance, I think we have lots of common ground! God bless you and your family! Please say hello to your parents for me.

    ~Lori Underwood

    P.S. I have a sad, neglected blog :) here on homeschoolblogger, as well. It is

  3. I started reading homeschool blogs because my niece homeschools. I wanted to learn more. I found...

    .Very negative attitudes.

    .No tolerance of others.

    .Legos are a necessity.

    .A need to excessively blog and waste time with your children.

    .Constant critism of those who do not homeschool.

  4. Hey Anonymous, I'm sorry you feel that way and I'm sure there are blogs that might have made you feel justified in your conclusions. We are all children of God, trying to feel our way along in what is for many of us, unchartered territory. Hopefully we will all now have some remembrance in your daily prayers.

  5. http://trainingdaughtersteachingwives.comAugust 9, 2009 at 10:17 AM

    I featured this post on the Training Daughters Teaching Wives Sensational Sunday Links today. :)

    You know I understand.... :)
