Friday, June 26, 2009


Last Friday, exactly one week ago, Henry decided that he would no longer wear a diaper.  We were sitting at lunch, and I was looking right at him when I literally saw his lightbulb moment.  His face brightened a bit and he said, "Mama, I'm going to start going potty on the toilet and wear big boy underwear!" 

I wasn't about to waste a minute.  We got right up from the table and went to the bathroom.  He went potty, and we headed up the stairs to my bedroom to get down the storage bin of 2T-3T clothes and we dug out some big boy underwear.  He has been wearing them ever since with not a bit of trouble.  I forgot to put him in a pull-up for his nap on Tuesday, but he woke up dry!  So now he takes his nap without a pull-up.  And this morning, the one week anniversary of his big decision, he showed up in mine and Darin's room with a dry pull-up.  We are amazed.  :-)

With our first three, I pushed potty-training on them and it was a difficult process.  I decided that with Henry, I was going to let him tell me when he was ready, and man, it worked! 

Peace in the house, and less diapers to buy!


  1. diamondsintheroughJune 26, 2009 at 5:57 AM

    Yep, readiness is the key. Trouble is, those kiddos aren't ready when we moms are. :o) My daughter announced that she would be finished sucking her thumb when she turned three. And she was. Who'd a thought?

  2. Woo hoo! We listened to our oldest but encouraged her a bit when we knew she was ready and she was just timid. We're still waiting on our second to get going. She's got an interest but she's not totally serious and needs to understand a bit more about what's going on. :0) I don't like potty training so we're still going to wait but I wonder how long is too long to wait. :0)

    Erna @ The Beautiful Sojourn
