Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pregnancy Update

I've decided that I really don't know my husband as well as I thought I did.  I mean, WHO has actually been with me on the other side of the bed?  Who is this stranger that I eat meals with, watch movies late at night and go to Marble Slab with on date nights?????  For a little background...

Lydia wants us to have all the girl's names end in "ia" since that's how she and Sophia's names end.  We didn't do that on purpose.  It just worked out that way.  We really considered it, but after awhile, Darin and I agreed that we didn't want to fence ourselves in with something like that.  So we've been going back and forth over girl names for this baby (because really, I think it IS a girl.  If it's a boy - sorry, Boy! ;-).  For every 100 names I read out to Darin, he might say yes to one of them.  Well.  For a joke, I read out "Beatrice." 


He wants to name our daughter Beatrice, and I'm left wondering if I really ever knew him.  He's so passive/agressive....we will probably end up calling her Beatrice.  Oh.  More.  He said we could call her "B.D."  I have nothing else to say.  God bless us, every one.

I'm 16 weeks along now.  Next month we will find out if this baby is a boy or girl!  Can't wait for that!

I looked at maternity swim suits today.  Oyve.  They are so low-cut and I'm so VERY modest.  ;-)  It kills me that I never learned to sew, and now am stuck with not enough time to learn to sew. 

When I went for my monthly check-up with my OB, I tried to explain my overwhelming exhaustion to him, but I'm not anemic (the only time I'm not anemic is when I'm pregnant.  Weird) so he basically told me to buck up.  Waaaahhh-ha-haaaaaaaaaa.  I just want to not be so exhausted.

Darin and Ben are off at a birthday party-type deal today.  They are doing an outdoor Ropes Course.  God bless them.  It's 103 today.  I loaded up Lydia, Jack, Henry and Sophia and we went to the grocery store.  What a crazy trip!  It took us two hours, two carts and a stop at the Starbucks there in Target before we made it through. The cutest thing was when Henry, who is 3, asked, "Can I ride on the cart like a fireman?" I let him ride inside the cart like the Captain of all the firemen.  ;-)  While we were making our way through the store, I heard someone say, "She's got four little kids with her here at the grocery store and she's pregnant with another one!"  That just makes me grin from ear to ear and feel so blessed.  I wish more could experience it!


  1. Glad to hear that your pregnancy is going so well. Isn't it hilarious how our men choose such weird names. I let him pick out our daughter's name and he chose Kayla Jasmine. He loves those two names so that is what we went with.

    I think a large family is a blessing. I only wish I had never had my tubes tied so that we could have a larger family.

    Be blessed!

    Jennifer Sikora

  2. Hi Becca,

    Thanks for the comment you left on my blog recently. I appreciate it. I won't close off my blog just yet but we'll see how life turns out after the summer. Then again, knowing me, if I have something to share I might wish I kept the public blog. My private blog is for family, some friends, and even some I've met through the net but not everyone there wants to know a homeschooling or parenting tip (KWIM?). So, I may still need the outlet.

    It was great to stop by and get an update on your pregnancy and your baby naming adventure! How fun! You are truly blessed with all your little ones!!! I hope to get caught up a bit more as I've missed some posts. You are a blessing!


    Erna @ The Beautiful Sojourn
