Thursday, June 11, 2009


I've just been struck in a big way lately about the variety of ages in our family.  Ben, our oldest, will turn 14 next month.  Contrast that with our 3 and 1 year old who are still taking naps, sitting in my lap to read books and exist to go outside to swing.  I guess the thing that is drawing my attention to our age differences is Ben.  I guess I knew it would happen eventually, but it seems to be happening all of a sudden.  He's "growing up." 

First, he's started doing school on his own.  That was a big deal for me because I really enjoyed all of us learning together.  But the apron strings are still slowly disintegrating because

Second, he will be playing football this fall.  This adds something new to his schedule.  Not just football, but a challenge.  He's going to be tired.  Practices are from 6:30 -8:30 A.M.  We are not morning people.  ;-)  The challenge comes when he has to decide to responsibly take care of his chores and schoolwork in spite of being tired or sore.  This, to me, is another sign of growing up.  I pray that he shows himself equal to the challenge, and

Third, Ben has some summer work mowing lawns, and one job in particular will take him out of the house twice a week from 8-11 A.M.  It's a great opportunity for him with one of our neighbors who just needs someone to work alongside him to get the yardwork done.  This is a great neighbor-man so we're glad for Ben to spend time with him.  The thing about this summer work is that this will make Ben's schedule different from the rest of our schedules.  Even though he has been doing his own studies this past year, he has been doing them at the same time that the rest of us do school.  Now Ben is going to have to rearrange and fit things in differently.  So now, maybe when we're ready to go outside for a little playtime, Ben might have to stay in and finish a science experiment, or math, or something.

Sigh.  It's just weird.  Today was his first day working with our neighbor, and I wasn't the only one wondering what was going on!  Henry, our 3 year old, kept asking, "Where's Ben?"  It was weird not to have him here.  Then when Ben got home, even though we explained where Ben was a thousand times, Henry still asked Ben, "Where WERE you?" 

I couldn't help but think of the little time we have left with Ben here at home!  What will Henry think when Ben leaves to pursue  his own life?  He'll be so young and have many years left here with Darin and me.  What a hard day that will be.  I can just hear Ben now, "Don't cry, Mom!"  ;-)  

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