Sunday, March 9, 2008

Exercise Challenge!

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

To steal a word from Alicia:


I have been down for the count with something major since last Wednesday night so needless to say I did not get much exercising done in the last week.  However, I did lose about 3 pounds because food is not enjoyable to me right now.  I'm not sure that the trade-off is worth it!

ANYWAY.....I hope to read all your success stories this week!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave a comment.

If this is your first time coming across this exercise challenge, go HERE to read details and get the code for the nifty little button my husband created.



  1. um BLEH is very accurate! My last week was a TOTAL flop!

  2. well.

    But I am encouraged for this week.

  3. I actually got something accomplished! Hah! I totally impressed myself :D

    Btw Becca, I was really blessed by your comment the other night. I know it was only short but when I found it it was really timely. I thank the Lord for you.

    In Christ,


  4. Becca,

    Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Thanks for hostin this challenge. It certainly makes the drudgery a bit jollier. LOL


  5. Becca,

    The pelvic floor exercises I mentioned are also known as Kegel exercises. It's simply squeezing the pelvic floor muscle. If you're unfamiliar with it, it's the one is responsible for, amongst other things, continence or lack thereof (ie. a strong pelvic floor muscle prevents sneezing related accidents ;) ) I haven't read anywhere that suggest you have to do as many as I (try to) do each day! As for abs, I have a long list of different ab exercises, even some that work throughout pregnancy. Do you have an exercise ball?

    Hope you get to feeling better!

  6. Aww sorry you are not feeling well, but you can say you lost 3lb! I wish food wasn't interesting to me lol.


  7. diamondsintheroughMarch 10, 2008 at 7:42 PM

    Okay, I checked in!

  8. I'm hanging in there. I lost 2# when I weighed Mon. I also weighed today...I'm gonna switch to Friday weigh day and I also lost another 2 1/2 #! Praise the Lord! I love rewards!

    Thanks again for hosting this.

  9. I have worked up to two 20 minute Yoga activities. So, I am improving. I also walked 10 minutes twice last week. Yeah! With fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue I have to take it very slow. My next goal is to walk for 10 minutes twice a day two times a week and Yoga 3 times a week.

    Friday I ended up with a bladder infection. Ouch! Hopefully that will go away very soon.

    Thank you so much for challenging me Becca. You have encouraged me to do something that my doctor's wanted me to do all year and last. Sometimes it takes nudging from sister chicks. :-)


