Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to You, You Belong in a Zoo!

I'm not one to publicize my own birthday.  My motto for most of my life has been "Lay Low."  But this year is special.  I am FORTY today!!!!! 

I am really excited about this.  I have always been perfectly alright with birthdays.  Getting "old" is not a problem for me.  I think it's a shame when people get hung-up on their age and let it cripple them.  More than likely, these people have something to live for, they've just forgot in all the fuss over their age.

I definitely feel blessed.  Here I am with five kids, a great husband, I get to be at home with my kids all day, every day.  There is a possibility for more babies in the future, watching them all grow-up, GRANDKIDS one of these days!  Let me tell you that 20 years ago, I would have NEVER imagined the life for me that I live now.  Never.  EVER.  I mean, how could I have ever imagined how good I could actually have it?  I had no clue what blessings children were, I had no clue how good a marriage could be and that it would cause me to grow, mature and seek God in a way I never had before.  It reminds me of 1 Corinthians 2:9:
But as it is written:
   "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
   Nor have entered into the heart of man
   The things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

AMEN!  I had no idea what God had in store for me, and I get all giggly thinking about what He could have prepared for me in the coming years.  Man, He is so good!

So today I am truly celebrating being the big FOUR-0.  :-)


  1. Happy Happy Birthday!

    Happy Happy Birthday!

    You are 40 today!

    You are 40 today!

    Love ya friend, God loves you too!

    Praise the One Who is the author of birthdays! He is Holy, Righteous, Pure, Lovely, Awesome and to be Glorified!

    Have a blessed day!

  2. Happy birthday, Becca!

  3. blessingsundreamtofMarch 26, 2008 at 7:56 AM

    You and me both girl!!!!!!!!!!!! Not my birthday too, but how amazing God is!!! I too would have NEVER EVER imagined 20 years ago my very blessed life today-- amazing dh, 3 dear sons, and a new baby on the way! Praise God that He does love us enough to grow us out of past insanity into present joy. Happy 40th!




  4. I have just turned 40 also - and I think I needed to hear your words of wisdom!

    Hope your birthday is AWESOME!

  5. Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Birthday!

  6. You go Girl! You are a shining example of the attitude I hope to have when I get there(2 more years) but I love that you focus on your blessings rather than any health-isms you might have...God Bless you! From, Terri Lee

  7. Happy Belated Birthday to you!!! I hope you enjoyed it :)


  8. Happy late Birthday!


    aka /HeartnSoul




  10. Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you had a great day. I hope my energy and enthusiasm for life matches yours. You are a wonderful example of God's love.


