Monday, March 24, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

I'm gonna stop putting Week 1, 2, 3, & etc. in the titles of these blog entries because for me, this challenge is a non-stop thing.  I mean, is there a time when it's okay to stop exercising?  Nooooooo.  ;-)  So consider yourselves permanently signed-up for weekly exercise torture!  Although as I've been getting back into the groove with all this I realize that I forgot that I LIKE to exercise.  I even like the soreness that some workouts bring.  Am I a freak, or what?  Whatever my issue is, I just like to exercise and so I'm glad that after so many years, I'm discovering that again.

I was chatting with a friend of mine this weekend who goes to a gym to exercise.  She was chatting with a trainer at the gym who told her that women of "her age" (doesn't that just make you cringe? LOL) take longer - about three months - to start seeing results from a new exercise program.  My pal is in her early 40's.  I take that as a good news/bad news kinda thing.  The bad news is you're in your 40's, pal.  The good news is that one of these days, you'll start seeing results from all the exercise!  Woohoo!  ;-)

I did break-up the exercise routine a bit and rode First and Only Husband's bike to the post office to get stamps one evening.  Man, that was fun!  It's about 2.5 miles each way.  The weather was so nice (low 70's) and it just felt great to be out in the air.  My husband was a bit wigged out to have me out riding around at 9:30 at night, so I had to take the cell phone and call him when I got there.  Times have really changed since we were all kids, eh?  I rode my bike EVERYWHERE when I was growing up, and my parents rarely panicked over my safety.

On the Easter Candy front - let's just say that I love the little bite sized Snickers.  YUM.

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  1. Becca,

    Thanks for sharing the comment your friend heard from her trainer. I've been disgusted that the scale hasn't moved since my thyroid blip in August. But I DID change my workout routine in Feb - so maybe if I simply keep it up, I'll loose that 20 lbs I gained in Aug in one fell swoop. ::Snort:: Ok....maybe it will start to come off a lb at a time eventually.

    I also love to ride my bike out in the real world.

    I like that you took the week thing off because then anyone can join at any time....and if I miss a week I don't feel behind. LOL

    I also have begun to realize that I DO like to exercise.....and more than that with my new challenges for myself I find that I CAN sweat. In my 20's and 30's I'd go to the gym and just tell MIke, "I don't sweat" but now in my 40's - hey I SWEAT. LOL

    Have a good week.

  2. is it just me or did we lose some ppl?

  3. LOL. I have to laugh cuz my skinny SIL turned 40 in Dec. so she gets to feel the pain now too hehe. *cough* not that I wish that on anyone... but I'm tired of ppl thinking it's just not normal LOL. (read my entry)

    Times sure have changed you are so right. It stresses me out to have the kids out with their dad riding. We used to ride every night when we lived in the desert, but don't have a real safe place to go right near us. "should" get out and just ride anyway! arrgh.

    Have a great week!


  4. Just wanted to share because I was excited about it - I felt all kinds of stronger while doing yesterday's workout. Er .. still awaiting some visual results .. hehe ..
