Sunday, March 16, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

Well.  This past week was not any better for me than last week.  I've had that naggy, leftover, barky cough from the thing I had last week, so I've been trying to get over that before I started back in with exercise.  It's one of those coughs that is aggravated by exercise.  It's been frustrating for me to see two weeks slip down the drain.  I really want to lose some pounds in the next few months.  If things continue the way they have, I could possibly be pregnant before the end of the year, so I feel a definite sense of urgency to move the pounds!  And speaking of losing weight.  When we "lose" it, where does it actually go?  Does it just evaporate and become a part of the ozone problem?  Weird.


I definitely feel ready and able to exercise this week, so tonight will be my first night back at it!  I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone else is doing!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave a comment so we can all stop by your blogs and say HOLA!



  1. Glad you're feeling better!

    I need to move my rear if I'm going to get my work out done today!

  2. LOL maybe it increases global warming LOL.

    Glad you are feeling better! Thanks for giving us all a nudge- actually I need a rather large kick hehehee

  3. That's IT. It would be irresponsible to lose weight as it would contribute to the demise of the planet. LOL

    I once heard to think of "releasing" weight and not losing it - because what we lose we eventually find. Hmmm....I released 40 lbs and it it someone found me again anyway. ::snort:: I've quit worrying too much about losing the weight as I can't CONTROL that very much with my thyroid blips...but I CAN control I'm trying to just focus on that and feel good if I get that done regardless of what the fickle scale is doing. Thanks for hosting a fun way to stay motivated.

    I understand what you are saying about pregnancy....

    Glad you are feeling a bit better.


  4. JacqueDixonSoulRestESMarch 19, 2008 at 8:30 PM

    I have seen your Challenge over and over again, and I cannot commit. I know myself too well. Besides, after being sick for 4 days and sleep-deprived for 4 weeks caring for everyone else who was sick, I lost 10#. I am being consciously- active, though. I just don't have any time all together to get all stinky and then shower.

    Of course, on the Baby-coming-before-the-end-of-the-year front, that may prevent that then too.... hahaaa. Maybe not.

    So, I am sorry I will not be joining you, but I do have you on my Feevy, so I am keeping tabs on your posts. :) You all have fun, and I will continue to go up and down stairs all day and bend over going through boxes of stuff to get rid of and bend over and pick up all the baby toys with the Littles 50x a day... ok? :)

    HUGS and blessings~


  5. diamondsintheroughMarch 20, 2008 at 6:56 PM

    You sound like my daughter, asking where the weight goes, since we know matter cannot be created or destroyed... *rolls eyes*

    I'm late, but I finally posted. Included a good story and I hope the link lasts -- it's on a newspaper site. Maybe I'll get serious about changing my life around tomorrow. (Too late to do it today, I had a bowl of Cheerios for bedtime snack!)

