Saturday, March 8, 2008

Seven Random Facts about Moi

Nancy at HomemadeBlessings tagged me to divulge 7 Random Facts about myself, so here goes.

1.  As the self-appointed Cod Liver Oil Goodwill Ambassador, I have to start this off by saying that I used to get a sinus infection every spring and fall until we started taking cod liver oil.  One teaspoon per day, mixed in a shot of juice, and it's all good.  We use Garden of LIfe Cod Liver Oil.  It has also taken care of my low blood sugar issues and my husband's high blood pressure.  When I'm pregnant,  I up my daily dose to 2 t.

2.  I hate clutter.  One of my favorite things to do is throw things away.  I can't stand for something to be sitting around that has no apparent use.  When I was in junior high, the glass bowl to my mom's mixer broke, so there was the mixing stand, sitting there in the cabinet, doing nothing.  I threw it away.  My parents thought that was the funniest and weirdest thing ever.  No one told me they could get a new bowl for it! 

3.  One of my favorite shows used to be "The Facts of Life".  It made going to a boarding school look like the kewlest thing ever.  I SO wanted to go to boarding school.  Well, fast forward to 10th grade, and I did!  It was fun and I would do it again.  Fast forward a few more years, and I would meet Lisa Whelchel, a.k.a. Blair.  I was leading a homeschooling support group that was a ministry of our church.  I was supposed to hook-up with a new member, named Julie, at Skate Day so I could give her the paperwork to fill out to join the group, introduce her around & etc.  Well.  Lisa and her family had just moved from CA to D/FW and came to that Skate Day with her kids.  I was walking around, looking for Julie, when Lisa started walking my way.  As she passed by I said, "Are you Julie?"  She said, "Nope!" and kept right on going.  I am probably the ONLY person in America who has mistaken Lisa Whelchel for someone else.

4.  I have the kindest husband ever.  I've been down with a really bad cold all week.  Last night as we were heading to bed, my husband asked me how I was feeling.  I gave him the obligatory "okay" and he responded with, "It hurts me to see you suffering in any way." 

5.  One of my struggles is patience with the kids.  I really have to work hard at it.  Two books that have been an encouragement to me in this area lately are Skippack School and the Elsie Dinsmore Series.

6.  With a new baby in the house (she turned 3 months yesterday!), I am reminded of this post from 2006.  I LOVE to listen to my babies breathe.  I put them up on my shoulder and just listen to their breathing.  To me, there is nothing more precious.  Well, besides their warm little heads.  ;-)

7.  Once when my Dad was talking to my older bro and me about some issue, he said, "Do you think I'm dumb?"  Of course we said, "No."  Well.  We were so disrespectful.  After he left the room, we made a big joke out of that, and for YEARS we would say, "Do you think I'm dumb?" to each other, using my Dad's exact tone of voice.  What a hoot.    Yesterday, while talking to First Son about an issue, I found myself on the road my Dad found himself on and I said to First Son, "Do you think I'm....gag....choke.....cough....spit.....STUPID?"  Man.  What goes around, comes around, eh? 

Whew!  That's over.  And now the fun part.  I get to tag 7 other people.  Here's my list:

Darin (my husband!) at Mission of Fatherhood
My new friend at Buffalo Rock School
Michelle at blessingsundreamtof
Tori from Mom To Five
Desi from Homeschool Mom of Two
Brenda from The Family Revised
Terri from Lee Family Adventures

Here are the rules -

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


  1. Hi Becca...I've finally responded to your "tag"'s on my blog....check it out:

  2. I hate clutter too and I LOVE throwing things away :D

    One satisfying thing I like to do is take a plastic shopping bag and fill it up with junk wherever I find it and throw it out. Actually, when I started this, I used a garbage bag. Now I can't do it all that often or else we'd have nothing left :-/

  3. just busy. Will chew on this more and try to get it done soon. Preparations for celebrating Resurrection Sunday makes it extra busy here.
