Sunday, April 6, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

This has certainly been the year for adjustments for me.  I am so glad to be exercising again, yet at the same time, I remember now why I haven't exercised in years.  That whole time-thang.  Now I am exercising when I used to do laundry, clean the bathroom & etc.  I've been struggling since we started this challenge at the end of February to work out a decent schedule so I can still get a few things done that are very necessary.  At first I was spinning my wheels, trying to do it all, running around like a crazy woman, only getting a little of this and a little of that done.  First and Only Husband would raise his eyebrows at me every evening as I let the chores take me from one room to another without finishing what I started.  I guess I was in panic mode.  When my brother was here, we were talking about what stresses us.  When he asked what stressed me the most, I said, "Not getting anything done."  Oyve.

So this week, my goal is to get some control over the chaos.  I'm going to approach my chore/school planning issue like I did the exercise.  Start slowly, and very gently add in new things as I develop a routine.  The area that has suffered the most is laundry.  So my goal for this week, along with my exercise, is to fold or iron 30 items each day.  That number may change.  I might increase it if 30 goes by quickly.  We'll see. 

Alicia, I hope you are feeling much better! 

Sign-in with Mr. Linky.  I'm looking forward to hearing you you guys are doing.



  1. I'm glad you had a good visit with your brother. I know what you are talking about with the exercise/time issue. I exercise right after I get up and then hit the shower and eat breakfast before getting everyone else up to start school. That time used to be when I would do my little daily chores: start the laundry, empty the dishwasher, decide on and prep dinner, and spend some time on the computer. Sigh. Now I just try to work that into my (already pretty full) after lunch routine. But now that I've started the exercise again, I'm not going to quit! Have a great week. Julie

  2. Becca, thank-you for the well-wishes. I appreciate it.

    I didn't need to be reminded about ironing though ..

    .. ;)

  3. It's already hard to do housework and meals, but they REALLY fall by the wayside if I'm exercising instead. I guess the thing (for me) to do is incorporate some exercise into the normal routine somehow. Laundry basket lunges or weight-lifting plates. It'd probably look incredibly stupid, and I might risk breaking a plate or two--oh, but hey, then I could do some broom-and-dustpan choreography!

  4. Becca, I'm also constantly trying to juggle time these days....and feeling that ALL is never done at the same time....but I'm limping along. LOL


  5. Stephanie,

    I really want to see your laundry basket lunges! LoL That sounds like a great YouTube video. ;-)



  6. Time is one of my problems too.. I have time in the am. and pm for walks but can't seem to get in the weights. One thing I like to do when I do an exercise DVD is not follow the instructor for the warm-up, instead do "power cleaning", decluttering while walking in place, etc.

    Hope you have a great week!

