Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Big Littles Mama Hug

While reading blogs, there are times when I have come across a poor mama who is worn out with the toddlers and she'll say something like, "with a 2 year old, and a 4-month old, I am barely keeping up!"  I would snort a little to myself and think, "just wait till you have a few more!  THEN you can be REALLY justified in thinking that life is hard."  Youch.  You would think I could have just a little more sympathy than that, but you know how it is.....we all forget, when we think we will remember everything about raising kids - especially the hard times. 


I remember the hard times now!  On Sunday evenings I am left home alone (eeeeek!) with our littles.  They are 2 years old and 4 months old.  ;-)  I'll tell ya what...I don't know how I got through the older three's preschool years.  These two littles keep me moving and shaking.  I'm used to having First Son, First Daughter and Second Son around to say, "Can you do blah-be-de-blah for me while I do so-and-so?"  Or, "Can you take Third Son outside to play while I fix dinner?"  In other words, I am a spoiled rotten mother of littles.  So to all you moms of littles who have no olders to help you out, GOD BLESS YOU.  From now on, you have ALL my sympathy and if I could reach out to you through the web, a BIG HUG!


  1. I have visited your blog a few times, but not commented before (at least I think I haven't! *lol*). However, I must admit I did have a bit of a chuckle reading this post. It's good to be reminded of how difficult little ones can be. I am pregnant - due in 5 weeks. When this little one arrives, I will have 4 kiddos under 5. I can truely relate to that overwhelming 'worn out' feeling... I pray that your Sunday nights become nights of lots of love and fun with your little ones! Keep smiling! The hard times will truely fade into the background and all the wonderful things will be remembered! Grace and blessings!

  2. I wanted to let you know that I am hosting my first giveaway over at my blog! It is to celebrate Mother's Day! Stop by and tell me why you are happy to be a mother and you could win an awesome devotional book, a journal and a cooking with kids CD-Rom.

    Enjoy your weekend with your family!


    Here is the giveaway link:

