Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Obedience Brings Joy

The past two days with my kids has not been a fun ride.  I don't know what's going on, but they are being so disobedient, disrespectful to me and to each other, not doing their work.....ugh.  It's been a struggle.  I am a happy-go-lucky kinduvagal and constant conflict is hard for me.  So today, while I was sweeping the floor after lunch, I begged God for the kids to find joy in obedience.  And then I begged God to throw me a bone and help me to deal.  That's when He reminded me that *I* am being obedient by sticking with life with the fam and taking the time to disciple the kids out of their issues, so *I* should be feeling the joy!

What a shot in the arm that was.  I felt as if I were walking on clouds the rest of the afternoon.

He tends His flock like a shepherd.
He gathers the lambs in His arms
and carries them close to His heart.
He gently leads those that have young.
Isaiah 40:11 

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I really needed to hear that right now...my kiddos have been acting out more than usual the past few days, too. Dh blames our cloudy, dreary weather. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a blessed week. Julie http://funinthesunmom.blogspot.com
