Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Very Own School Schedule

I am trying to become more "on purpose" with keeping up with the kid's school assignments.  For myself.  I always make an effort to read the books they are reading, but don't always succeed.  It's important for me to read what they read because we do oral narrations! 

I am also going through Polished Cornerstones and Plants Grown Up with the kids, and there is some good memory work that I feel I should be doing along with them.  Bible verses and catechism stuff.  Am I the only person in the world who used to think that the word "catechism" implied something from the Catholic church?  You'll have to forgive me, I grew up a Southern Baptist. 

Anyway, I sat down and made myself a schedule tonight.  First and Only Husband has taken the oldest three camping this weekend, so I've had a few minutes to THINK.  It's been a nice change of pace from the almost-hectic go, go, go of chores, refereeing & etc.

Here's the schedule I made for myself for this coming week:

Well, never mind.  ;-)  I tried to cut and paste it from Word, but it looks freaky when I do so, so you'll have to take my word for it.  But I'm excited about having my own school schedule.  I think it will go a long way in making me feel more ready to face each school day, rather than hurriedly reading through things as I can through the day so I can stay caught up.  I am also a check-off gal.  Having something like this schedule in front of me is going to be a major motivator.



  1. diamondsintheroughApril 19, 2008 at 5:33 PM

    Hi Becca,

    Thanks for the info. I looked for a "try before you buy" sample video at that site, but didn't see anything. Losing weight is just plain hard work. :o(

    Another area where I need exercise is that scheduling thing... lol. Good for you, getting it together.


  2. Oh, you are such a kindred spirit..... Looking forward to chatting on the 29th! Sharon
