Monday, April 28, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge


De'Etta, you know you're absolutely right about the Leslie Sansone exercise plan being just one workout each day.  I am such an all-or-nothing person that I see three workouts listed, and immediately want to do all three each day.  As my husband would say, "You're a freak of nature, Becca."  In a nice way, of course.  LOL!

ANYWAY.....the new Leslie Sansone video I bought has 5 workouts on it.  I worked my way through those over a week and a half and then rotated back to the Cindy Crawford video I have.  It KILLED me.  And I don't think it's because the Cindy workout is that much harder.....well, I think it is more intense, but I have never been as sore after a workout as I was after that workout on Saturday.  I think it's because I got my muscles out of their groove.  I've heard before that it's good to vary your workout so your muscles don't get used to doing the same ol', same ol' again and again.  I know that before I got the Leslie video that the Cindy workout was feeling very easy to do.  I just about had the moves memorized, and I really felt as if I were starting to breeze through it.  When I worked out with the Cindy video after not using it for a week and a half, it was as if I had never done that workout before.  So now I've decided to alternate the videos every other time, rather than working completely through the video before going back to the other.  I would also like to invest in some other videos to add to the mix.  If anyone has a recommendation, I'm all ears!

I did not start the 10-Day challenge that Leslie has yet.  My youngest two were sick for most of the week, so I felt good to be able to get anything on the table.  Forget some foreign meal plan!  ;-)  I'm planning on getting to it this week.  Can't wait.

I did sneak in two extra workouts this past week.  I added some movement to my kid's school schedules.  One day they take a bike ride together, the next they workout with me using the Leslie Sansone video and the last day they jog around the block.  They are going to build up to a mile of jogging/walking.  The Leslie video that I have has a one-mile beginner's walk.  My 7 and 9 year old were able to easily get through it.  Of course the 12 year old had no problems, either.  I don't get to go on the bike ride since we don't have enough bikes and I have to stay put while the baby sleeps, but I did get to run around the block and of course do the Leslie video....we're all going to get in shape if it kills me.  ;-)

Sign-in with Mr. Linky and leave a comment to let me know you've been here.  I look forward to hearing from you guys every week!!!!

If you are here for the first time and want to learn more about the challenge, go HERE.


  1. Great job with all the workouts! I don't blame you about not starting the Leslie Sansone challenge...some of the meals she had planned were a little strange (a can of sardines??) and it's kinda skimpy (although I guess you don't lose much weight if you don't skimp some, huh? lol) I hope your sickies feel better soon. I know how having sick ones throws the whole day's schedule out of whack. So far I've been exercising first thing in the morning and haven't missed any workouts due to illnesses (fingers crossed lol.) Have a great week. Julie

  2. Becca, I mentioned the cod liver oil to dh and he said it sounds nasty but he's heard something before about it being good so he said we'll look into it. You just may have a couple of converts ;)

  3. Wow you are doing great! I get embarrassed exercising w/ my kids, but I should adopt your philosophy, we will get into shape even if it kills me LOL too fun.

    I'm still here!! Just been swamped, the house owners came to take away their furniture so I had to repack our stuff into something, empy and find all their stuff, along with have crock pot food ready every day.. whew. My monthy curse was here too :P Sooo anyway I hope to get back on the wagon. I've maintained walking, and except for today's birthday food I've been doing pretty well on serving sizes.

    Take care


  4. ...of the workouts you are getting into your schedule. I just have been down right lazy about getting up early enough to exercise before my kids get up! I really need to though. My pants are getting a little snug!

    Yvonne :o)

  5. Becca,

    I'm late but here's my favorite - for HUGE results....but it's OLD...and mine are wearing out....Becky or Becki Tirabassi did Step Aerobic Videos in the 90's.....GREAT Christian music, fun, effective workout on the step......I've not been able to find them in DVD and keep looking.

    I like to do things at home but for this season - I'm back at the gym. LOL

