Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bringing Up Baby, Part 2

So I started praying that God would show me what it meant to base our homeschool on the Bible and I received an answer through another book that He placed in our path.  I've written a post on how the book Ten P's in a Pod fired up my husband and me in the area of Bible reading.  We have begun reading to our kids from the Bible two, and we aim for three times each day.  We believe that God is less concerned with Biblically based curricula than He is with us going straight to the Word with our children.  We believe that is what is meant by basing our homeschool on the Bible.  Not sure that others would say it means the same thing to them, but that's what we believe God is telling us.  What this has meant for us is a family who is learning how to work harder and faster to fit the chores and play that we want into our day so that we are sure of getting in the All Important Bible Reading.

A little blurb from Ten P's in a Pod has been ringing through my head.  The book was written by Arnold Pent III, one of the sons.  This is what he said his mother said about all the Bible reading she and her husband did with their children:

My mother has often said, "During the time when the children were all much younger and going through rebellious stages of one kind and another, it just didn't seem we were making progress with all the Bible reading we did.  But as the months and years went by, and they started becoming conscious of the world around them, I saw that spiritual seed coming to life and giving an unending stream of Godly insight and a desire and determination to spend their lives for Christ."

And who doesn't want that for our children??????  We are taking Arnold's Mom's words to the bank and counting on their reliability!  We're taking God's word for it as well.  ;-)  In Joshua 1:8, He says, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."

So the Bible is my new parenting book and my search for the perfect parenting book is over!


  1. I was going to order "Ten P's in a Pod" a few weeks ago when you told me about it but then I got distracted and forgot. I am going to order it today!

  2. I really, really appreciated these two posts (Bringing up Baby part 1 and 2) and especially the quote about eventually seeing the evidence of the seeds planted by Scripture saturating the home consistently through those young, rebellious years. That is right where I am and I feel discouraged often but this testimony along with your own of determining to live out faith in God's wisdom, promises, and the sufficiency of Scripture has deeply encouraged me today.

  3. Alicia,

    I'm so glad these posts were encouraging to you. Thanks for drawing my attention back to them! It's good to remember "why" we're doing what we're doing....especially on the hard days. :-)

    Glory to God!

