Thursday, August 16, 2007

We Have the Mind of Christ, Part 3


Here's a challenge.  Put your children in place of the woman in the black t-shirt.  Put yourself in the place of all those who tempted her away from Christ.  Ask yourself if there is anything you are placing in front of your children that takes time away from their life with Christ, as in Bible Study, Church, One-on-One Discipling from you or your spouse.  There are many, many things that we, as parents, come up with to fill our kid's time, such as sports teams, co-ops, youth groups, a book that is a must--read, & etc.

This is a subject that I think we parents must constantly visit.  Exactly what is it that we are doing that is drawing our kids to Christ?  Do they know that they have the mind of Christ  (1 Cor. 2:9-16) and can draw close to Him in a way they never imagined through reading the Bible and prayer?

My Husband and I used to have the goal that we wanted to raise our kids to be "better" than we were by the time we hit our 20's.  Not a hard thing!  ;-)  We definitely had some {partying} issues.  But now our new goal is becoming to teach our kids that they have the mind of Christ.  What power we give them to maneuver through life's surprises, if through God's grace, we succeed in meeting our goal.

Read these:
Most Twentysomethings Put Christianity on the Shelf Following Spiritually Active Teen Years
Most Adults Feel Accepted by God, But Lack a Biblical Worldview
Teens Evaluate the Church-Based Ministry They Received As Children


  1. Thank you for reminding me to put that in the forefront of my mind. :-)

    Abiding in His love,

    April B

    ( )

  2. WOW...had me in tears.
