Thursday, August 9, 2007

Timeline Notebook, Part 3!

I'm going to chalk this whole experience up to pregnancy hormones.  After looking at what it would cost to make our own timeline notebooks and comparing it to buying one already made for us, I saw that it would be cheaper to buy the ready-made.  My brain went into overdrive and I immediately placed an order for the notebooks.  Dork that I am, I never even talked with my husband first.  So when he got home and I told him the entire saga, he said, "Can you see if you can cancel your order?  I can get you what you need through our office manager at work at wholesale cost."  Oh!  Well, okay!  ;-)  So he's investigating now.

But even without the wholesale cost for the notebook I was interested in, there are other ways that I could have made the whole project cheaper.  But ya know when you get something in your head and just can't shake it?  That was my issue.  To make it cheaper, I could have bought just regular notebooks that are cheaper and still printed out the horizontal timeline pages....we would have just had to turn our notebooks around to look at the pages horizontally.  A friend of mine is doing this with her notebooks.  I was hung up on a single, beautiful line, going all the way across the page.

Another thing I thought of as I was ruminating over this whole thing was that I don't HAVE to print the lines on the page with our printer.  I could just get a fat magic marker and a ruler and draw those babies right on there.  Not as pretty as printed pages, but good grief, it would surely do the trick! 

So who knows what we'll end up with.  I'm sure whatever it is, it will be PERFECT.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. ...your timeline situation is working out! You will have to post some sample pages once the kids get working on them.

    Yvonne :o)
