Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Freaky Origins of Christian Rock

I came across an article titled The Freaky Origins of Christian Rock.  It is about the beginnings of Contemporary Christian Music (CCM).  It was interesting to read where CCM has sprouted from.  Kinda scary, actually.

I am a product of my teenage brother's and sister's music from the 70's.  I was still in elementary school back then.  With three teens in the house, there was constant music.  My brothers and sister had a ton of albums and 8-tracks, and I listened right in with them.  Name just about any song from the 70's and I will be able to sing at least a little bit of it.  I remember sitting on my big brother's bed with my next oldest brother and little brother listening to our older brother's Cheech & Chong album.  We laughed and laughed and laughed and listened to that album over and over.  I'm sure we missed a lot of the "real" humor of the album, and I cringe when I think of the things, like this album, that I was exposed to at so young an age.

Moving on to the 80's and my own teenage years, I continued to be steeped in secular music.  I listened AND taped Casey Kasem's Top 40 every Sunday afternoon, and the Top 100 Countdown on New Year's Day.  I watched Solid Gold, American Bandstand, MTV and Entertainment Tonight.  I lived and breathed the stuff.  Again, name a song, and I can probably sing it for you.  My husband makes fun of me because I can sing along with the muszak at the grocery store.  What can I's a special gift?????

When our first son was born, I found I didn't have the heart to listen to secular music anymore.  It just seemed wrong to expose him to the lyrics, music and culture that could bring nothing to him.  I segued into CCM, but have become increasingly disillusioned with this music and it's representatives.  Take a look at the band Kutless.  If you didn't know any better, you would look at those boys and probably label them as a secular band.  I mean, they look just like one.  Look at the band Stellar Kart.  Ugh.  I cringe looking at those boys.  I'm sure they're very sweet and all, but what are they doing that is any different than a secular band?  Both of these bands are opening in the Newsboys current tour.  I mean, it LOOKS as if they are trying to emulate the secular bands.  Their music sounds like a secular band, they look like a secular band.  They've just changed up their lyrics to mention God.  Is that it????  Is that all they have to give?  They look like the rest of the chaff. 

I have no desire for my children to try to emulate a bunch of boys and girls who can think of nothing better to do than to emulate secular bands in everything but their lyrics.  Aren't we called to be set apart?  And yes, there are other CCM artists who don't look quite as scary as the boys in the above-mentioned bands do.  I understand that.  But in so many ways, if you look into their lives, and the award shows they all attend, again, it seems like more imitations of the ways of the world.  One evening, I tuned into the Dove Awards and was shocked and amazed to see dancers in scanty costumes dancing around the stage to a Christian song.  I've never watched it again.  It was just too much. 

So....I will not encourage my children to listen to CCM.  I feel as if I have no choice.


  1. You have just described my childhood in respect to music! I had a teenage brother and I was exposed to country, pop, rock, etc. But we were not being raised in a Christian home.

    On the subject of CCM....I agree that the so-called Christian artists these days, look and sound no different than secular artists. That is why we don't preach "only Christian music".

    We have come to the conclusion that music is all about the lyrics. There are country, pop, and rock songs that have perfectly fine lyrics. There are Christian songs that sound satanic! There are Christian songs that are confusing because you can't tell if they're singing about loving their boyfriend or Christ - because there is never a mention about God or Jesus within the lyrics.

    I personally think that the Christian musicians who are blatently looking like the more worldly characters, are doing more damage than the mild, secular, artists.

    Anyway, for us, it's all about the lyrics.

    Putting yourself in the "Christian" category doesn't mean a thing these days.

  2. Not only do I know all of the songs from the 70's & 80's, I also know most of the late 50's & 60's because I grew up listening to my parents records. I was a huge Beach Boys fan, and yes, we had the Cheech & Chong album and watched the movies too. My upbringing was far from Christian, even though both of my parents grew up in Christian homes and later returned to their faith.

    My kids, on the other hand, know nothing of contemporary music. I hope to keep it that way.


    p.s. thanks for your comment on my blog. I am headed to Vision Forum to check out "Ten P's in a Pod."

  3. ByHisGraceInColoradoAugust 2, 2007 at 6:13 PM

    Yup, I remember those days too. It is amazing, how those lyrics can get into your soul. We have tried to give our children the "best" music possible, but something always gets in that we didn't plan on.....we just have to keep teaching them discernment.

    That was an interesting article. I ran across a website awhile back about the "satanic" roots of rock and roll, and although I have no way of substantiating any of what it said, it was very, very shocking. Some of it I had heard before, but a lot of it was news to me. I wish I knew for sure if it was the truth. You can probably google it and find it.

    A few years ago I went to a Christian book convention and was so "surprised" by the line up of "worship" bands. There were one or two that were memorable, but the others were very worldly in dress, style and words. There was nothing that set them apart for the Lord. It was a sad commentary but yet it was a witness to the times we are in.

    Still, God is good and I am looking forward to His coming!



  4. Music is a huge part of our family. I don't have older siblings, but older neighbors who would BLARE their ozzy and such out their bedroom windows! Not much choice there. Not to mention the fact that I can tell you exactly what was happening in my life at a certain moment just by hearing a song. Do you think music affects your life?

    We do not frequently listen to ccm. My husband grew up in a musical family who played gospel music in churches. I am thankful for that because we can make our own music. I agree that it is the lyrics that count. But we also have to remember that the tone and rhythm can also leave a mark on a person's soul.

    Thanks for a great post and a great blog. You are very thought-provoking.

    Stephanie @ inspired
