Monday, May 19, 2008

Homesteading Carnival

I have never entered one of my blog entries into a Carnival.  I barely have time to blog these days, let alone do the extra steps it takes to enter a Carnival.  Although I do love visiting the Carnivals.  I've found some pretty neat ladies through them. 

Anyway.....SOMEONE.....well, I feel it's safe to say Jacque entered my post about breast milk  into the Homesteaders Carnival!  I think it is great fun to be in the Homesteaders Carnival considering we live in a suburb of Dallas and can see houses for miles around.  But First and Only Husband and I are homesteaders in our hearts - we are looking forward to getting outta here one of these days.  Not only outta HERE - the suburbs - but also outta here - the heat.  We hope to move north.  It's going to be 98 here today and we're feeling too old for all this heat.  ;-)

Please stop by and visit all the wonderful homesteading mamas  hosted by Jennifer at QuiverfullFamily, and if you would like to submit an article for the next Carnival, click on the rooster!



  1. I found it at Walmart...go figure...They also had a 20# vest but that was a bit much for me to try and strive for.

    It was in the sports section and I had to ask somebody. It's got little pouches that you can remove and add the weights (of sand). And it has a place for your cell phone, too. LOL

    But watch that velcro belt! It caught my long braid and I thought I'd have to cut it off or walk around with 5# hanging from my head. It was terrible. I blogged about it on the Homeschool Lounge but couldn't bring myself to humiliate myself on HSB for all the world (AKA my family, other friends, etc.) to read.

    I wish I wrote on my homestead blog enough to do the carnivals. I did one a few months ago about trying to shoot a coyote that was carrying away my chickens (an archive story), but I don't go on it much since our one-acre is, like you, surrounded by developments instead of dairy farms. *she sighs*

    Our 14 acres in N. central WA state is our homestead-to-be. If you want to see it, go here:

    Good luck finding your vest!

  2. diamondsintheroughMay 19, 2008 at 5:11 PM

    Becca, thanks for the advice. As a matter of fact, my brother's girlfriend is a trainer? ohysical therapist? (I don't know -- she has to be there in case of injuries on the field) in a college athletics department. I will see her in a few weeks and ask her!


  3. Becca, did you leave that anonymous comment with the natural remedies website? If so, thank you. I just might run out and get some grape juice -- that looks like the simplest solution. Pray it works!
