Saturday, May 17, 2008

Uses for Breastmilk

Second Daughter has had a runny, goopy eye for the last week.  It wasn't red, just goopy, so I was keeping an eye on it until Thursday night when it started getting red.  I was able to get her into the doctor on Friday morning.  No infection, but just to be on the safe side, our doctor told me to put some drops of breast milk in her eye.  I had never heard of this before, but I'm doing it and am anxiously awaiting the final outcome.  I got curious and decided to go online and look for the alternative uses that breastmilk has.  Here's what I found - very interesting stuff!
UPDATE 5/18: It's working!  Her eye is so much better after only 24 hours.  :-)

Did you think that Breastmilk is only for feeding baby?  As breastmilk is “clean” and has anti-bacterial & healing properties, have you considered other great uses for it?

Here are some that you can try!  [Note:  Suitable for babies & children, and even adults!]

Eye infections / Conjuctivitis ("Pink Eye"):  Squirt into the eye.  Do this as frequently as possible until healed.  If the baby/child doesn’t allow you to squirt breastmilk into his eye, then do it while they are sleeping.  Squirt around the crease of closed eyes, then gently lift the lids to allow the breastmilk to seep into the eye.

Sore/cracked nipples:  Rub into nipples after feedings and air dry.

Scratches/Scrapes/Cuts:  Squirt & clean wound first with the breastmilk; then apply some more on wound and air dry.  This is really great when on outings where no ready water supply is available.  If the cut is on the lips or mouth area, healing will be especially easy for a breastfeeding baby or child.  Just the simple act of nursing the child not only calms the child from the pain of the injury, but the breastmilk that must pass the wound during nursing will close the cut rather quickly.

Mosquito bites / Ant bites: Squirt on bite and rub in.  Helps to stop the itching.

Ear infections: Squirt or pour into sore ear

Acne / Eczema / Diaper rash:  Wash skin with water, then apply breastmilk all over.  Air Dry.

Facial Cleanser:  Apply breastmilk on face & wipe clean.  Great even for removing eye-makeup!

Sore throats/Mouth Sores:  A baby/child that is still breastfeeding can benefit by directly nursing.  If not, drinking a cup of expressed breastmilk will help.  It certainly helped when my then 19-month-old son had mouth sores from a bout of Hand, Foot & Mouth disease.  His mouth was too sore to nurse directly from the breast, but drinking expressed breastmilk from a cup helped heal the sores in a day.

Stuffy noses: Squirt into nose and suction or squeeze out as you would with saline.

Eye puffiness and redness: Express breastmilk and pour over eyes. Does as good of job, if not better, than tea bags!

Breast cancer: Recent studies suggests that just the simple and natural act of breastfeeding can benefit mom as well by providing protection against breast cancer.

Tooth decay: Scientist have tried to grow bacteria in breastmilk and have been unsuccessful!

Cold sores/Fever blisters: Express a small amount of breastmilk onto clean finger and apply immediately to cold sore. Ends pain and helps speed the healing process.

Chicken pox: Use as you would Calamine Lotion or some other ointment.

Leg ulcers: Someone has claimed of hearing about a breastfeeding mother putting breastmilk on an elderly relative's unhealing leg ulcers, it cleared them up too. I don't know how long it took.

Chapped lips/skin: Express a small amount onto fingers and wipe over lips or skin. Do not rub it in...leave a little wet. (This feels great on my chapped lips and it normally only takes a day or two to clear!)


  1. That is amazing! God thought of everything didn't He?! Who'd of thought???

  2. JacqueDixonSoulRestESMay 18, 2008 at 5:52 PM


    I always use breast milk in their eyes for anything 'yucky'. It works GREAT!

    Also, when Caleb had influenza, I gave him some breast milk mixed in with whatever else he was drinking, and it helped him to feel better each time. :)

    I have also used it on cuts, scrapes and dermatitis. It creates a protective barrier, and heals it up sooner.

    I know there are many ways to up your milk supply. Some great ways are to supplement with zinc, iron, and chlorophyll. Also, make sure you drink plenty of fluids.

    And, if possible, avoid taking otc anti-histamine, as they may dry you up a bit. :)

    Gotta love that breastmilk!

    Great post! I think I did something like this on homesteadblogger. I think I need to dig it out!

    blessings~ Jacque

    God *did* think of everything!

  3. Thank you for participating in the <a href=">Homesteading Carnival</a> – <a href="">50th Edition - Getting the Garden In</a>. This week it is being hosted at <a href=>The Blog</a>. Please let your readers know, and come on by to take a look at the other wonderful homesteading posts!

  4. diamondsintheroughMay 19, 2008 at 5:14 PM

    Wow, too bad I didn't know this when I still had a steady supply. lol! Do you also happen to have a home remedy for cough and congestion? My 4 yo is allergic to Robitussin DM and coughing her heart out, poor thing.


  5. except the sore nipples one. I have nursed four babies and plan on nursing #5 when he/she gets here in early Nov. I will definitely try these!! Thanks!

    Just noticing, do you have 2 girls and 3 boys?? What is their birth order?

