Friday, May 23, 2008

Ironing Board

I have a fascination for ironing.  There's something so soul-satisfying in ironing.  I even iron t-shirts.  Is that insane?  Everyone's clothes get ironed.  From our 5 month old's things all the way up to Daddy.  I can't bring myself to not do it and since the birth of our 5th, you would think I would chill a little and give up my ironing fixation, but I just can't do it.  Maybe after a 6th???????  ;-)  So in honor of my love affair with the ironing board.....comedian Brian Regan.


  1. *LOL*

    Thanks for posting this...I needed a laugh tonight. I'm not quite so fanatical about ironing...but I do have my quirks LOL

  2. we LOVE Brian Regan. we own his video. SO FUNNY

  3. This is pretty funny, ya know we'd be great roommates because I hate to iron but I love to wash dishes. Not that to me is very theraputic!

  4. That's hysterical Becca!!! My ironing board is in the garage...RARELY gets used, and Kevin's not "allowed" to buy shirts that aren't "wrinkle free".... great clip...thanks for sharing.

  5. I love ironing, too! With my first baby, I used cloth diapers and I ironed them, too ;) How crazy was that?
