Friday, October 3, 2008

Blogger Friend School - #104

Assignment: Have you done something crazy in your homeschool?  Do you fingerpaint with your toes?  Do you let your children do your hair?  Do you wear your pajamas during homeschool?   Oh, the list is endless, but it’s up to you and how much fun you want to have.

Well, I guess I'm no fun cause I can't think of one wacky thing we have done during our school hours.  Although I wonder what *I* would look like to a fly on the wall during school.  I know that I have literally banged my head on the table in sheer frustration, turned beet red while biting my tongue to keep from saying the wrong thing and tried, more than once, to cook dinner, talk on the phone, hold my baby on my hip and do a spelling test all at the same time.  Clowns are not the only ones able to do a juggling act.;-) 


  1. Funny post. I think that is just one of the many talents us ladies learn when we become moms/homeschoolers. Blessings for a great "non-clownish" weekend.

  2. Oh boy do I remember the days of juggling with an infant. Whew!! Thanks for the post.


  3. I couldn't think of anything either. I just translated my entry into Latin. I'm such a square. :-D


  4. LoL! Yes, but who else translated their entry into Latin???? ;-)

  5. I am right there with you with the juggling act! LOL

    BTW I am getting started with my excersise challenge this week. Hubby and I are starting weight watchers together.


  6. RE: you comment on my blog...

    Maybe it's not the jammies, you probably just aren't lazy enough. Try being lazier and see if that helps. :-D

  7. No....I think it's the jammie thing. ;-)
