Monday, October 20, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge Back when we just had one baby boy, we lived in an apartment, and I used to take him for a walk in his stroller in the neighborhood behind us.  It was made up of three streets.  I walked up and down each street and after awhile, got to know the houses and the people who lived there.  Since we lived in an apartment, I would day dream about living in one of those houses.  Now I look back and think that our family could never fit in one of those houses – they were on the smaller side.  How times change. 

I get a bit frustrated going for walks with our current two year old.  ;-)  He is not content to ride in a stroller.  He likes to ride his “bike” while I push his younger sis in the stroller.  The frustrating thing is that he likes to stop for “red lights” quite a bit.  I’m not exaggerating when I say that he sits there for at least two or three minutes.  He is content sitting there, looking around, while I’m about to boil over because my goal for our walk is to WALK.   And me calling a “green light” does not work because HE decides when the light turns green.  We make it around the block eventually and it’s more exercise that I would have gotten, so I try to calm myself with that thought.  It’s also good exercise for my older kids.  They get their scooter or bike out and go around the block about five times to mine and the little’s one.  ;-)

Darin and I have been walking in the evenings together.  Its really nice to do that because we’re away from the computer, t.v., and chores and can find a lot of interesting things to discuss.  Last Wednesday, he was at a hockey game with Jack, so I went on a walk by myself after I got the littles in bed, and the olders set up with The Lord of the Rings.  On the last half of the last lap, I was completely freaked out!  Some guy was following me.  Luckily, I had our little yipper dawg with me and she barked and barked and barked.  I picked her up and scooted out to the middle of the street and nearly ran home.  The weird guy followed me the whole way.  He was not a neighbor.  Bleh.  Praise God for His protection!  I’ll never go without Darin again!

Anywho…..I hope you all have had marvelous success in the last week!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky so we can go read your update.  Leave a comment so I’ll know you were here!


  1. Becca, just letting you know that YES! I am still here and I am with you. I absolutely know that frustration of trying to walk with a little child. That is why I now do it before she is up. :o) But not much longer. It is getting light too late in the morning.

    Thanks to your challenge, I am now past six months of almost daily exercise. It has helped my energy level, which is a very good thing. I no longer feel like I am going to collapse in a heap by 2:30 in the afternoon. It is also keeping my blood sugar level on a more even keel. So I am seeing good inward results. Still wishing for some outward ones, though, lol.

    That creepy guy is one of the reasons I don't like to walk alone, either. Ew! I'm glad it all turned out okay.


  2. Hello....your second mother here ;)....don't walk alone any more, you hear me? :) I'm proud of you though and glad to hear the kids are active too. Love and miss you!

  3. Yikes! How scary that must have been! Do you know how far he followed? Did you see which way he went once you were home? Did you notify anyone?

    Praising for your protection as well! We're out in the country but I still don't like to walk alone!

  4. I'm glad you made it home OK. I never walk anywhere alone! When we get a dog, though I will feel safer. It's kind of sad that it's gotten to that point.
