Monday, October 20, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my Window...
the weather just couldn’t get any more perfect.  The high for today is supposed to be 83.  It’s probably in the upper 50’s right now.  So nice!

I am thinking...that I can’t wait to have a minute to listen to Curriculum Advice by Victoria Botkin.  As our family grows, my approach to school has to change.  There’s no doubt about that.  I’ve been praying about which way to go, and hope that God has led me to this resource!

From the learning rooms...Ben is working on a research paper this week.  I was an English major, so you would think that I could get him through it with no sweat, but man, is it a struggle.  He has his own ideas of how he thinks it should be done, God bless him.

I am thankful for...our growing family, which humbles me.  I used to think I was in control of all aspects of my life.  Now that I don’t have the time I used to have to exert that outward control (keeping a perfectly clean house), I’ve chilled a bit in the back patting.  ;-)

From the kitchen...chicken pot pie.  I try to cook things these days that I can puree into baby food for Sophia.  I puree the leftovers and freeze them in ice cube trays for later.  I was able to get some applesauce and peaches made for her this weekend. 

I am reading...same stuff I’ve been reading, only I added an online book of short stories.  It’s titled Across the Years by Eleanor Porter.

I am hoping...that I can make the right choices when confronted with frustrating situations.  I have a tendency to want everything to go my way, and when it doesn’t, I like to let everyone know.  ;-)  The last few years I’ve been working on my self-control in this area.  Yesterday the kids and Darin all agreed that I was the most patient person in the house.  It was nice to hear that, but I don’t want the praise to make me lax.

I am creating...organization, inspired by Emilie Barnes, and a plan for getting the skirt done that I started with Rachel is simmering.  Seems that every time I decide on a night to work on it, other issues come up!

I am hearing...Darin reading a book to Henry.  Henry's laughing because Darin is using a funny voice.

Around the house...laundry, pumpkins to bake, puree, and freeze or make into Pumpkin Butter, still working on getting the kids clothes changed over for fall.  I’ve finished with Jack, Lydia and Henry.  I’m half-done with Sophia, and need to get started with Ben.

One of my favorite things...baking.  Unfortunately it makes me fat. 

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The cute little niece will be hanging out with us on Thursday.  I’m trying to work out a time to get together at the library with my pal.  Not sure what else the week will hold – plenty, I’m sure!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

To read other Daybook entries go HERE.


  1. 20, 2008 at 4:27 AM

    I like your picture and I appreciate your thought provoking post. You humble me.

    Kindest regards and have a sweet week.

  2. Beautiful picture.

  3. Enjoyed your daybook entry and your lovely blog! Hope you are having a great day!



  4. Susan (A Happy Heart at Home)October 20, 2008 at 1:13 PM

    I enjoyed your daybook. I'm supposed to meet my 'writing buddy' at the library on Saturday. We meet about once a month and talk about our writing. It's encouraging.


  5. I enjoyed reading your Daybook and was thrilled to find the Pumpkin Butter recipe in the entry directly below it!

