Monday, October 6, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

I wasn't as faithful with the no-sugar thing as I should have been, but love getting out and running around with the kids and getting some exercise with them. It's a lot more fun that sweating it out with a video at 10 o'clock at night. :-) But it's a fun challenge - I work at being active with them - not just standing around watching them, and it's been a great way to connect. I do still workout with the three older kids using the Leslie Sansone videos a couple of times each week, so I feel as if I'm gettng some good exercise.

No weight loss this week, but all in good time, right?

Sign-in with Mr. Linky and let me know how you did last week! :-)


  1. I'm keeping up with yoga, that's been very good for me physically. I too struggle with eliminating sugar. I just figure that if I'm aware and eating less of it that's better than where I was before. Baby steps...

  2. I don't have the conventional "exercise" routine but I am finding it much easier to keep up with my routine of gardening and walking to the post office with the kids. I am also delivering Avon catalogues at the moment which is a little added walking. No weight loss when I am 6 months pregnant, but a significant difference to my personal comfort!

  3. You're doing well, keep up the good work. I'm deciding what to do about a scale. Mine has been consistenly 7 lbs lighter than the gym....but then all of a sudden it started being very erratic. It was saying I was gaining while the gym said I was losing - that sort of thing. Guess I'll just go with the heavier weight from the gym....trending down is better than up and down and all around. LOL


  4. Hey Rachel, Jess and De'Etta. I'm thankful you're joining me in getting some movement in our days. You encourage me to keep going and not be such a lump! :-)

  5. HI! I exercised with the TV today! Our mowing job is slacking off and I can tell. I've held my weight easily and indulged myself quite a little over the last half of summer and all of a sudden my bad habits are catching up with me. My accountability girls and I are going to start cracking down too. Every bit helps.

  6. Hi Becca! Hope you are doing well. Your Blogger Friend School post had me laughing...I'm on to my ds2 all the time about misplacing things (for him it's his reading book) yet I am constantly in search of something myself lol. Great job keeping up with the exercise and including the kids. I've started walking outside around our neighborhood as the weather has finally cooled off some. My 13yo and 7yo will sometimes join me (all the time if they had their way) but honestly they do more talking and showing off to me than walking. ;) And when the 4yo comes along? He gives up about 1/3 of the way through, but I count carrying his 36 pounds of cuteness as weight lifting. Even the cats will follow me sometimes! It's hard for a momma to get some alone time/ exercise in, isn't it? But I wouldn't have it any other way. Hope you have a super week! Julie
