Monday, October 6, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my Window...
rain today!  And we’re supposed to be getting temps in the low 80’s, high 70’s for the next 10 days at least.  Woohoo!

I am thinking...that I am so grateful for Homeschool Share.  I do not have the time or creativity to come up with my own lapbooking stuff for Henry – or any of the other kids for that matter – and I’m so thankful for all those Moms that do, and share their ideas on this site.  And Amy Pak from Homeschool in the Woods.  I use her history lapbooks with the older kids.  They are just too cool.

From the learning rooms...a couple of weeks ago, the boys were going to go to work with Darin so they could go to the annual Flag Football Game.  It was canceled because a few key guys were sick.  It was rescheduled for today, but now is canceled again because of the rain and the boys are ANTSY.  It’s going to be another one of those days when I’m going to have to sit on them a few times to get their brains to come back home.  ;-)  God bless them.

I am thankful for...CVS!  I bought about $65 worth of stuff (pads, deodorant, shampoo and hair gel) for around 8 bucks yesterday.  The Extra Care Bucks program is so worth the effort!  If you want to learn more, go to CVS 101.  If you have questions about it, please feel free to ask me.  

From the kitchen...I don’t know yet.  I made Chicken Lasagna for lunch yesterday and it was so good, I can’t stop thinking about it.  Love leftovers.  ;-)

I am reading…World Mag, St. Bartholomew’s Eve by Henty with Darin, Ishmael with Ben, Elsie’s Children with Lydia, The Trojan War with Jack, Luther for Ben’s schoolwork (I try to keep up with what the kids read.  I’m mostly successful in this area), and Nuya Nuki for Lydia’s schoolwork.  I pick up More Than Dates and Dead People when I can.  I love to read!

I am hoping...that the election turns out like I want it to.  ;-)  It is SO hard to think that God may have other plans than I do.  My biggest prayer lately is that God would help me to be at peace with His plan.  Every now and then I’ll hear a juicy tidbit on the news and start to mildly hyperventilate.  MUST…..CALM……DOWN! 

I am creating...I don’t know.  I feel like there’s so much I want to work on, but have so little time to devote to those things that I let myself become overwhelmed to the point that I do nothing.  I need to finish cutting out the skirt that I started with Rachel.  I enjoy my knitting with the dishrags, and I’m working on a cross stitch project.  It’s huge.  I’ll never finish it.  Starting to hyperventilate again…….MUST……..CHILL!  ;-)

I am hearing...Jack eating breakfast, Sophia crawling through the kitchen saying, "mama mama mama,"  Ben yawning and Henry turning the pages of a book.

Around the house...still lots of laundry, still dirty bathrooms.  One of these days the house will be spotless and I’ll be crying over missing my babies.

One of my favorite things...Fall.  The chilly breezes, the smell of firewood burning in the air, raking leaves, cooking soups and muffins…..I’m in HEAVEN.  We have a lawnmower that bags that we could use to suck up our leaves for us and make that job a snap, but I reject interjecting machinery into that beloved fall chore.  I love to get out and work my arms and legs and back (ow!) in raking leaves up.  But we have about a month to go before we have to worry about that job.  The leaves are still green and firmly attached to their branches for now!  Ahhhhh, Texas. 

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...going to the Pumpkin Patch with my pal and her kids….we tried the lake last week and it started raining and blowing when we got there, so we came here instead.  The house was a wreck.  How embarrassing.  ;-)

Nothing else in the plan….we’re going to just be home.  Love that.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
January, 2007

To read other Daybook entries go HERE.


  1. I LOVE Homeschool in the Woods. I even e-mailed Amy Pak a couple of times with questions and she was so gracious and prompt with her responses.

    Please share your Chicken Lasagna recipe!

    Have a great week,


  2. The books you're reading sound really neat! :)

    Hope you have a good week.



  3. Here's the link to the Chicken Lasagna recipe. So good. :-)

  4. It was fun reading your simple woman post today.

    I chuckled when I "heard" you say you were listening to your Sophia crawling saying "mama mama mama." LOL

    We have eight wonderful children. The last six children we had in seven short years. I remember thinking AND saying occasionally, please don't call me "mama" today, just call me Hannah, or Mable, or Mary, or Rosie......

  5. The fun thing is when they all are calling "mama" at the same time! ;-)

  6. Susan(A Happy Heart at Home)October 10, 2008 at 5:52 PM

    Wow, you did great at CVS! We don't have one anywhere around here.

    Getting overwhelmed and then doing nothing? Been there, done that many, many times!

    I love fall, too!

    Great pic! Have a wonderful weekend!

