Thursday, October 9, 2008

Blogger Friend School - #105

Memory Verse: Matthew 28: 20 - Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen.

Intro: Never Leave Home Without It (Marketing Credit:  American Express) Diapers, bottles, wipes, bibs, pacifiers, extra clothing, cell phone, PDA, ipod, iphone, credit or debit cards … what would you never leave home without?

Assignment: In the memory verse Jesus tells us that He will never leave us, not even at the end of the world.  He assures us in this verse that He will be with us and that means through everything we go through in life.  I thought it would be interesting to write about the things we would never leave home without.  For some it might be baby needs, others it might be a gym bag and bottle of water, and for some  it might be your Bible and a notepad or small journal, maybe even your son or daughters favorite blankie!  I’d like for you to write about something that you would never leave home without.

I usually try to leave as much at home as I can.  I really hate purses and if I can, I put my debit card in my back pocket and go!  I usually leave the diaper bag in the car to have on hand in case of emergencies.  I do not carry it around with me unless we're going to be gone on an all-day thing.  No cell phone, no bottles, if someone needs extra clothing, they're out of hand PDA......we have an iPod, but mostly use it here at home for audio books......I guess that's it!  ;-) 

The down side to all of this is that I don't know how many times I've washed my debit card, or lost it because I took it out of my pocket and put it....somewhere???  Once I found it under my 2nd son's bed.  He thought it was one of those fake credit cards that we all get in the mail.  Fun!  Is it just my kids, or do yours call dibs on those fake cards?  Ya know, I didn't have that kind of entertainment as a kid.  ;-)  Anyway, that was the most nerve wracking loss because it took almost a week for us to find it. All that time, my husband would shake, shake, shake his head at me when I had to ask him to use his debit card.  I don't know how many times I have said, "If you had put your spelling book on your shelf, WHERE IT BELONGS, you would know where it is."  sigh.  Sometimes we need to learn our own lessons, eh?  ;-)


  1. Yes, my kids all call dibs on the old credit cards. Each of them have agendas -- one or two like to play "store" one likes to be able to unlock doors with them and one just likes to melt stuff. (That one worries me some days! ;^) )

    One thing's for sure: if I had that armadillo purse, I wouldn't leave home without him. He's a HOOT!!! We have armadillos here -- they're so funny-looking!

  2. Hey Rebecca, my kids just put the cards in their wallets - I never see them again. ;-)

    We have armadillos, too. It's Texas, ya'll! LoL That's why I chose that picture. Well, and it is an interesting purse!

  3. JacqueDixonSoulRestESOctober 9, 2008 at 7:06 PM

    Haha... LOVELY handbag!

    I rarely take purses or bags. We used to take the diaper bag as a formality. Now that my girls are young ladies, they like to buy me purses and bags, and I love them, but I rarely go anywhere, so I don't use them much!!

    I did get a real pretty handmade bag for my birthday that I love and use when I do venture he!

    One thing I always try to take with us is the Ergo. I did get used to taking an extra set of clothes {the LORD knows we always need them!].

    Honestly, I don't have to grab much, because my children usually get it all ready and out there!

    Have a great weekend!!

    I am hoping to get into your Exercise program for MOMs... we'll see!!

    blessings, Jacque

  4. My youngest still digs those credit card fake outs and we have had to actually prune down his collection cuz he couldn't close his wallet! Too funny!

    I do not enjoy carrying a purse, gets so bulky. I have to weed thru my current one and repack into a smaller one cuz I am tired of lugging the monster. When I can-I go purseless (oh my!) cute post. thanks for sharing.

  5. Hey Jacque! It's good to hear from you. I'm going to be looking for your name in Mr. Linky for the Exercise Challenge! We had a whole bunch of ladies sweatin' it out with us, but you know how it is....over time other things became more important. Goodness knows I can relate! ;-)

    Sheri, purseless women unite! LoL I just never got into a purse. It's always been my goal to find the smallest purse available to meet my needs. My husband, on the other hand, loves his Man-Bag. LOL! I like to give him a hard time about that. ;-)

  6. Hey Tweety,

    I've tried every purse gadget there is. I use it a few times, and then end up trying to leave it at home. I just can't stand to have to carry something around with me. I'm a hopeless case. ;-)

    About the audio books for the iPod....we have bought some from iTunes, downloaded them for free from Project Gutenberg

    The audio books from Project Gutenberg are not always the most well-read. ;-)

    We have also checked out CDs from the library and downloaded them to our iPod so we can listen to them together as a family. The iPod keeps track of where we left off which is very helpful.

    We also download other CDs we have purchased from Vision Forum (the Jonathan Park series - VERY GOOD) and Little Bear Wheeler.

    We bought all three of our kids and iPod through eBay and got great prices on brand new iPods. Usually after we have finished listening to something as a family, they want it loaded on their own iPods and spend a lot of time listening over and over to the story. Their latest craze is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. How cool is it to hear my 8 year old quoting from memory the poems, riddles and songs from the books???? :-)

  7. Ok, I'm baffled, soul sister. I thought we were totally twinkies, but I definitely part company on this one. I always have a big purse; try to get small ones, but I can't fit it all in.... Sometimes I stick the cell phone in my pocket and carry just a wallet, but that's not too often. PS- that armadillo purse is the ugliest purse I've EVER seen! (Hope I didn't just offend anyone....)

  8. Oh, but don't you see? We have the perfect arrangement. If we ever got to go anywhere together, you could carry my debit card for me! LOL!

    I'm still waiting for the URL to your blog....... ;-)
