Saturday, September 27, 2008

An Award

i_love_your_blog_award.jpg picture by rhubarbcrumbleSandpiper over at Journey Through Motherhood gave me this nice award.  So nice!  Thank you! 

You guys go visit Sandpiper.  She is literally DAYS from giving birth to Baby #6, just celebrated her 14th wedding anniversary, and her 2nd blogoversary!  :-)

I get to pass this award on to some of my favorite bloggers.  Here they are:

Sherry at Large Family Mothering is a true Titus 2 woman.  Her blog posts always - ALWAYS encourage me as a wife and mother.  She's always right on the mark.  She posted some tips (I can't find that post now!) and I'm excited to use one of her tips this winter with our 9 month old.  Ya know how socks always fall off our babies' feet?  She says use tights instead!  So simple, I would have never thought of it on my own.  ;-)

De'Etta at Choosing Joy.  First of all, I like the title of her blog.  Isn't it true that we do have to CHOOSE to be joyful through so many things?  Secondly, I love her "slice of life" entries.  Maybe I'm just nosy, but I like to read about what's going on at her house.  Lastly, she's my exercising hero.  She usually gets in 60 minutes at least 5 days a week.  You go, girl.  ;-)

Kelli at There is No Place Like Home.  I love to go look at all the kewl crafty things she makes, the good food she cooks and the nifty way she decorates her home.  I don't have time to do all the fun things she does, but I like to go look anyway.  And I agree....there IS no place like home.


  1. Congratulations on your award and thank you for giving one to me as well! Also, thank you for your sweet words about my blog!


  2. Becca - for the fun award and the kind words.....didn't do so well THIS week with that exercise thing! LOL


  3. Thank you so much for this great honor--you are such a sweetheart! I want you to know that I enjoy your blog, too.

    Sherry at Large Family Mothering
