Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blogger Friend School - #101

 I am SO enjoying the Blogger Friend School assignments!  If the assignment below sounds like something you would like to do, check out the Blogger Friend School site and join in any time you wish!

Assignment: This would be a good week to tell about your worst struggles with a lifestyle of homeschooling.  Tell about something you’ve struggled with and how God’s mercies gave us the strength to get past it.  Also, share any curriculum/homeschool methods that have been a relief to you, i.e., a particular Teacher’s Manual or Homeschooling method that’s been easier for your family.  Talk about how you felt when the burden was lifted and Oh, What a Relief it is!

It didn’t take long for me to know what my worst struggle in homeschooling has been.  It’s ME.  ;-)  What’s the quote……motherhood makes us holy?  Something like that.  It’s easier if we don’t fight the whole way down the road!  I have had to drop so much baggage along the way, and still have a long way to go.  What’s so frustrating is that most of the issues I’ve had are petty when compared to getting to be at home with my kids all day, every day.

Like a clean house.  With six of us at home every day, it just can’t happen.  And I want the kids to automatically know how to dust, vacuum, or load the dishwasher.  Taking the time to show them has been something I have had to make myself do because my first instinct is to say, “you go load the dishwasher, I’m going to go fold the laundry.” When there is so much that could get done in a single day, it’s hard for me to take the time to slow down and work alongside my kids as I should.  Some days I am very successful in this area, some days….not so much.

My biggest struggle as a teacher was finding my own teaching style.  I know everyone is hip to the issue of learning styles for our children, but I think that it’s unfortunate that we overlook “teaching styles.”  When we first started homeschooling, I was sucked in by the romantic sound of the laid-back-follow-your-child’s-interests thing.  I tried and tried, but kept failing because I learned that I am the kind of gal who needs a plan.  I need something written down for me that I can follow, or I have the tendency to flake and never finish what we start because in my own planning, I would come up with too many resources and had a hard time weeding things out that we could have lived without.  So I found a curriculum with a plan, and because I have the daily schedule, I feel comfortable branching out and following a trail that the kids want to further explore, knowing that I can pick back up where we left off when we’re done.  I heard Jessica Hulcy once say that it takes three years to learn how to teach, and be a teacher, and I certainly lived that out.

The things that have been the biggest relief to me, as a person who needs a schedule are:

Sonlight.  Oh my goodness.  They’ve done all the scheduling!  We use Sonlight for Language Arts.  I take their schedule and add a few things to it, then hand it off to my kids for them to follow.  It’s been a great tool for teaching them responsibility and accountability.  

Yahoogroups!  Since I don’t use Sonlight for everything, I’ve found that there is usually a Yahoogroup for most other curricula.  I’ve joined many of them, and there has always been someone more on-the-ball than me who has already made a schedule to go along with the book and have uploaded it to the Files section of the Yahoogroup site.  What a blessing. I’m excited because right now I am making a schedule for my son’s Greek studies, and I hope I get to share it with someone else who might be able to use it!  I’ve also met some very kewl people through those groups that I have had the chance to meet in real life that I would have never known without the Yahoogroup.

Going to God in Prayer.  I don’t know how many times I have started off a day feeling as if I was just going to be spinning my wheels all day, getting nothing done.  I’ll look around the kitchen and see breakfast dishes stacked up, the living room a total disaster, a sick kid, a kid who isn’t in the mood for school or chores, and a fussy baby and wonder if I’ll even be able to make lunch.  When I started homeschooling, there were way too many days that I would let myself get overwhelmed, so I would call a movie day, or a park day.  Those are the days when I obviously really would get nothing done.  The big breakthrough for me came during our Bible Study time.  It was a frustrating day with bickering kids and while gearing up to sing, I had a conversation with God, and He set me straight.  Ever since then, I continually bring my day to Him.  I can’t make it without Him!  I wrote an article about it for our support group’s newsletter.  If you’re interested, you can read it HERE.  Here’s an excerpt. 

"We were getting ready for our morning Bible study.  I sat on the couch with my Bible and hymn book in my lap, rubbing my forehead with my first three fingers in total despair and frustration, until I thought I was going to wear a permanent red mark there.  I was shedding a few tears and silently praying, “God, I see the vision You’ve given Darin and me for our kids, but would it really hurt to call it a Movie Day?  They can space out to movies, and I can get away from their arguing with each other and me.  Sounds fair, ya?”  No.

“God, I can see the vision You’ve given Darin and me for our kids, but surely it wouldn’t hurt if I just called a timeout and spent some time building myself up for a change, rather than being bombarded with complaining and disobedience.  It would help me to be able to deal calmly with them later, ya?”  No.

“God, I can see the vision You’ve given Darin and me for our kids, but I am worn out!  I don’t think I can go on, YA?”  No.  You can.  You have to.  Do you see the vision I have given you?

“Okay.  Please help me!”  Ya."

Through it all, God is my mainstay.  I begged Him at one point for a mentor.  I felt alone and as if I had no clue, and would never get one.  But as I was praying this prayer, he drew me to Psalm 32:8:
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
         I will guide you with My eye.
Sends shivers down my spine every time I remember this answer to my prayer.  He is so good, and Oh, What a Relief HE is to Me!  ;-)

I look at this picture and wonder how I could ever lose the vision that God has supplied.  What a precious group He has given me!



  1. I had a hard time teaching my kids at first too. We aren't usually taught that ourselves, unless we are unusual and were homeschooled too. Usually, I think, our parents thought the school would take care of all that teaching stuff. I can't really remember ever being taught a thing, even how to make the bed.

    I will think of your prayer in the morning as we get going. I often struggle then...with all the things left to do and knowing now I won't get them done. In an old homeschooling book I read the author talked about her laundry. She had seven children and she said that the laundry got washed and it often was folded. Seldom, she said, was it ever put away where it belonged. :-D

  2. What you wrote about the laundry is funny! All our laundry is clean, but in a heap in the corner of the living room. ;-0

  3. I completely understand the sentiments of this post! I too discovered that the planner in me just doesn't do well with unschooling, although I am becoming more relaxed as we go. And I've had those same kind of discussions with God, and He tells me the same things. :)

  4. What an inspiring post-I was very blessed to read it. Holly

  5. so very true. I too had hoped for a mentor-was never supplied one, but He did supply magazines, conventions, books and so forth that answered a lot of my questions at the time. Good post-thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks so much for adding me as a friend. :-)

    RE: Costco--this jury's still out. It was a bit overwhelming. Our main reason for joining is that we can save over 10 cents/gal. on gas.

  7. The savings on gas is well worth it because they are also usually cheaper than most other gas stations. I handle our money, and wig out when my husband gas somewhere else - in a nice way, of course. ;-)

  8. Becca,

    What a wonderful post. First of all, I own and love the book "Mission of Motherhood". Secondly, oh how I can relate to your post. As I read it, I thought, "So, it's not just me!". I, too, feel lost without a plan. I, too, tried other teaching styles and grew discouraged quickly. So many other things I could say here. Thanks for sharing your story.

  9. We are so blessed to serve a God who loves us so much that He gives us what we need. I've had those days all too often where I need to call out to Him because I just can't do it. Thankfully, He can! :-) Love the verse that He gave you.

  10. Oh my you sound so much like me it's scary. I have been to several blogs that have touched on some of the struggles I've faced, some briefly, so more in depth, but this just speaks my heart. Too often I am tempted to call "a free day" or " an easy day". That verse nearly put me in tears. I am going to go back and read that other post in its entirety. My problem is ME, too, and everything that goes with it. Many people think I'm too hard on myself, but if they only knew! LOL I have 4 children, 3 who are 3 years old and younger. Boy can I relate to the bickering with eachother, the disobedience, the lack of training for chores (not my 6 y/o, but my 3 y/o. He is more then capable to do more then he does).

    Right now I am potty training, so throw that into the mix! You have one crazy mama on your hands!

    I would love to add you to my friends so we can keep in touch. Sometimes, I, too, feel so alone. Even with God right there, I feel like I'm doing it all wrong sometimes. Like I can't keep up with the pace of life, there are not enough hours in the day.

    It's nice to be able to vent the struggles and frustrations. Sometimes I feel like that's all I blog about!

  11. 12, 2008 at 9:28 AM

    I am so grateful for the BFS link to your site today! I am exactly where you have been (lol, I just declared a mental health day). I have said I am just too weary to go on today.

    You have encouraged me in a mighty way! Thanks so much for sharing your struggles in the journey.



    PS I am praying for all of those in harms way from this latest hurricane. May the Father reach out and protect you and your family.

  12. Keep on holding on to Him during the days when we feel like we can't take another step because of the dishes and dirt!

  13. Wow! Great post!! I was really encouraged by this post and need to work alongside my children too instead of assuming they know how to do a chore. :) Thanks for posting this!

    Looking forward to reading more as this BFS progresses.



  14. Hi Becca,

    Praying for everyone in Texas during this time.

    Thank you for posting your talk with God.

    BTW, do you have a list of the YAHOO Groups you would suggest?

    I am interested.

  15. Thanks, everyone, for your encouraging comments. I told my husband about our latest BFS assignment and how I wrote about me being the biggest trouble maker in our school because I'm lazy, unmotivated and just lacking in so many areas and he said, "We're not going to get a call from CPS next week, are we?" LoL ;-)

    Michelle, Some of the homeschooling Yahoogroups that I am a member of, or have been a member of in the past are: KONOS, Apologia Elementary Group, Charlotte Mason, Teaching the Trivium and FIAR. If you go to the Yahoogroups site and type in whatever curricula you're using into the search engine, I'll bet you come up with something! :)

  16. Hi Becca,

    Thanks for the Yahoo info.



  17. What a great post! I can relate to your sentiments about being lazy. The Lord has really convicted me of the same types of ideas (i.e. "can't they just watch a movie or something?") lately too. I'll be praying for your family throughout this schoolyear, I know it will be a great year for you!

  18. Thank you so much for your candid post. What a reminder that God will equip us for what he has called us to do.



  19. Thanks for sharing your story. I love yahoogroups too there is so much info to glean from them and the files sections. I have to try and limit myself. LOL

    You have a beautiful family.


  20. Oh, what a beautiful family you have. thank you for sharing. :)

  21. Thank you, Tammy! :-)

  22. I enjoyed your post. ~ Nikki

  23. I so enjoyed your blog post! I used the exact scripture on my first BFS has been a source of great encouragement for me, too.

  24. How wonderful! I am a first yr homeschooler and am constanly strugglign with organizing and planning. I am so glad you found a way to balance everything! I am thinking of Sonlight for LA also. Yahoo Groups can be our best friend, huh?

  25. Thanks for sharing that verse! Beautiful family too :)

    God Bless, MeritK

  26. What an honest and inspiring story! I really needed that reminder and thank you so much for that verse! I am going to mark that in my Bible. I have the same feelings as you did a lot! I am like you too in that I need a plan! At least for now as a beginner. You have a beautiful family! I'm off to bookmark your blog.

  27. Lesley, definitely love the Yahoogroups. As long as ya don't sign up for the Individual Emails. Some groups are SO chatty. I like to get the daily digest. :-)

  28. What a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing!


  29. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing with us! I will definitely have to come back and read it again!

    ~ Kim

  30. I loved that you took your decisions to God in prayer. If only we would do that more and then listen to what He says we would all be better.
