Monday, September 29, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

I'm seeing some progress!  I lost another half pound this week.  I can live with that.  ;-)  I've mostly cut out sugar.  Not totally, though.  I eat maple syrup on my pancakes, but no desserts until Monday.  Darin is doing the same thing and we've noticed that on Friday nights we hanker hard for some sort of sweet.  What is it about Friday nights that makes us want to eat brownies and ice cream???  I guess it's that whole "it's the weekend thing."  Remember Loverboy?  "Everybody's workin' for the weekend!"  LoL  Ain't it the truth.

I'm getting in a bit more exercise that I have been.....I've started taking Henry and Sophia (and anyone else that wants to tag along)on a walk every morning since it has cooled down a bit.  They love it.  Sophia starts kicking her legs when we start walking out the door.  She's SO precious.  Henry is so full of energy, he runs most of the time so I can get a pretty good clip going.  Otherwise, I'm doing the same ol', same ol'.

I hope you guys are getting some exercise into your days!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky if you have an update and leave a comment so I'll know you were here.  :-)


  1. Way to go on the weight loss! I can say that cutting out sugar is H A R D !! I'm gonna give it a try though, I managed to cut out caffeine last month, this month it's sugar. What am I trying to lose you ask? Migraines! But hey if I lose a pound that isn't too bad either. ;-)

  2. Rachel, I thought you got rid of your migraines when you started taking cod liver oil? Are you still taking it? Am I remembering correctly???? ;-)

  3. on your weight loss.

    I'm still plugging away.....trying to work back up to 5x a week with school and fall Bible study in full swing. LOL

    We've also been enjoying some family evening that the weather is cooling off.


  4. Hi sweets! I just wanted to pop by, say hello and see how your week is going. You sound like me - have a million things going on and loving it! :) Enjoy the rest of your week!

  5. Hola Christin! Yes, it's a busy week around here, but there's just 2 days left, so I have hope that I'll make it through in one piece. ;-) Now if I can just survive the weekend! LoL
