Monday, September 29, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...

Outside my Window...
temperatures in the high 80’s, and here it is, just two days away from October.  One of the guys who was working on our leak last week told Darin that according to the Farmer’s Almanac, this winter will be the coldest ever.  That seems strange to imagine at this point. 

Well, I couldn’t resist.  I surfed on over to the Farmer’s Almanac site to see what I could find and found this:
As homeowners across the country pray for a mild winter to offset rising energy costs, the world-famous Farmers’ Almanac is warning us to prepare for the worst. “Numb’s the word!” is how the 192-year-old publication is predicting the upcoming winter season.
Go HERE to read more.

I am thinking...that I miss Darin when he has to go to work.

From the learning rooms...Ancient Egypt, Apologia Zoology II, Teaching Textbooks, Sonlight L.A., lapbooking, history pockets.

I am thankful for...the work that God has given me.  My job as a homeschooling Mom is NEVER boring or tedious.  There is never enough hours to fit in all I want to do here at home.  I love it.

From the kitchen...Pumpkin Patch cake for tea this afternoon.  We made this cake four or five times last year for other people because it’s so good and the kids love to make it.  I hope the link works so you can see it and get the recipe!  Let me know if it doesn’t and you want it.

I am reading...WORLD mag, St. Bartholomew’s Eve by Henty with Darin, Ishmael with Ben, The Trojan War with Jack, and various books about cars, planes, trains and trucks with Henry.

I am hoping...that I can keep my cool this week and not let all there is to do become overwhelming.  I want to enjoy every minute – not wig out.  ;-)

I am creating...organization in my bedroom.  Sophia has been sharing our room with us since she was born so there has been little cleaning going on in there since she still takes two naps and goes to bed pretty early.  When she is awake, we’re usually doing one of a million other things we have to do.  This weekend I begged Darin for us to team up and get some deep cleaning done in there.  We had a treadmill that no longer worked in there, and a lot of dust bunnies.  We got about half the room cleaned.  I’ll have to bide my time for next weekend, or try to squeeze in some time for it during the week.

I am hearing...Henry being frustrated.  He's trying to put on a necklace, but can't seem to get it around his neck.  Darin is offering to help him.

Around the house...working on knitting more dishrags, and I badly need to catch-up on ironing.

One of my favorite things...I love to can fruits and veges.  I haven’t had the chance to do any canning for the last few years, but I’m looking forward to a spring garden.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...hoping to meet with some friends at a local lake this week so the kids can throw rocks and get muddy, update our hymn books that we use for Bible Study.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
A fistful of Cheerios.


  1. Thanks for the Pumpkin Patch cake link. Looks like a neat idea with the little pumpkins on top!

    I enjoyed your post and you always have cute pictures!

  2. My kids work hard to be able to be the one to put the pumpkins on the cake! ;-)

  3. Wow! I can tell it is a beard boy just from that little picture. I would guess it could have been Jack or Ben. Amazing, the ties that bind.

    I love your blog. I would love to just sit in on a day with you and your kids. What an obvious blessing you are to your family.

  4. I miss my hubby too, which is happening more often than not nowadays. :-( I liked it better when he was home all the time.

  5. Lynn, you are too kind. Really. :-)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!
