Monday, September 15, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

I lost 2 1/2 pounds!  But I don't think it was because of the exercise.  Well, I'm sure it didn't hurt anything, but you know I've started the no-sugar thingy a couple of weeks ago.  I got real serious about it last week ;-) and so this is the first week I've lost any weight.  Woohoo!  And I get to celebrate today with a piece of cake.  HA!  I have left Monday as a "sugar day."  The kids and I have tea on Mondays and Darin and I also have a date night on Monday.  We like to indulge in a little Marble Slab - such creatures of habit.

So....yay.  Still trying to keep up a daily walk with either Leslie Sansone, or outside with Darin after he kids have gone to bed.  It's not the hour I need to help with the weight loss, but it's movement.  I agree with you Sally, it would be nice to lose weight from the exercise, but at this point, the important thing is that we're doing SOMETHING.  :-)

I hope you all had successful weeks last week!  Sign-in with Mr. Linky and let us know how you're doing!


  1. I've been working out (albeit not what I need with the fall routine) but I haven't had time to write an entry. I took time to do a quick update during lunch break.

    Congrats on your weight loss. I'm not sure how I'm going to fit in the time I need to move my sluggish metabolism now that school and chapel are in full swing again....but I'm working towards success.


  2. Wow, you go girl. I know I really need to cut out sugar - at least most of it (gotta have a little in my coffee, ya know?!)

    I like to run but trying to find the time these days is HARD! My husband is a runner as well so we would have to coordinate so we both could do it. I would have to wake up in the wee hours in the morning and having a new baby still makes that difficult since she nurses early in the morning. It's only a season, somehow I will get back into it. Then perhaps I'll join your meme! :)

  3. That's great. I always like to see a little lower number on the scale.

  4. Christin,

    I so totally know where you're coming from! We also have the baby schedule-thing going on. If I don't get in a walk in the evenings, I try to sneak one in during the day with the older kids using a Leslie Sansone video. ;-)
